Hello, my name is

Rohit Singh

I'am a Web Developer.

About Me

Web Devloper & Designer

I'am a front-end web developer. I can provide clean code and pixel perfect design. I also make the wesite more & more interactive with web animations. A responsive design makes your website accessible to all users, regardless of their devices and very easy to use. My interests are in Front End Engineering, and i love to create beautiful and performant products with delightful user experiences.

Lets talk

My Services


Every website should be build two primary goals: Firstly, it needs to work across all devices. Secondly, it needs to be fastest as possible.HTML and CSS are the foundational skills required for most jobs in the tech sector. These are pretty basic and each job description of a front end developer will have these as a requirement. HTML and CSS are like the ABCs of front end development, necessary to learn the language of website development. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language which is used to create web pages. For website development, HTML is a critical skill. Therefore, it is a basic requirement for a front end developer. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language used to make a digital document alive and communicable. A web page is created with HTML first and then CSS is used to put elements such as layout, format, colour, fonts etc on the page. It makes the web page interactive and presentable. you create with HTML. Both HTML and CSS are definitely the skills no front end developer can do without!


Another must-have skill for any front end developer is JavaScript (JS). Where HTML is a markup language and CSS enhances the web page, Javascript is a programming language that makes the website functional. HTML and CSS are used to make websites that look fairly simple but most websites today are expected to have enhanced interactive features such as audio, video, animations etc. In such cases, Javascript comes in handy.


React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. ReactJS is an open-source, component-based front-end library responsible only for the view layer of the application. React is used to create modular user interfaces. It promotes the development of reusable UI components that display dynamic data. React uses a declarative paradigm, react application aims to be both efficient and flexible. It designs simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right component when your data changes. The declarative view makes your code more predictable and easier to debug. A React application is made of multiple components, each responsible for rendering a small, reusable piece of HTML. Components can be nested within other components to allow complex applications to be built out of simple building blocks. A component may also maintain an internal state – for example, a TabList component may store a variable corresponding to the currently open tab. Let us understand this with a practical example: Let’s say one of your friends posted a photograph on Facebook. Now you go and like the image and then you started checking out the comments too. Now while you are browsing over comments you see that the likes count has increased by 100, since you liked the picture, even without reloading the page. This magical count change is because of ReactJS

My Skills


HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language which is used to create web pages. For website development, HTML is a critical skill. Therefore, it is a basic requirement for a front end developer. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language used to make a digital document alive and communicable. A web page is created with HTML first and then CSS is used to put elements such as layout, format, colour, fonts etc on the page. It makes the web page interactive and presentable. you create with HTML.


Today, websites are not simply viewed on desktops but across other devices, such as tablets, phones etc. A good website is one that offers suitable viewing experience across all devices. This is essentially a responsive website. Another must-have skill for any front end developer is to be able to create websites that are responsive using design elements as well as coding.


CSS as a stand alone skill may not be as beneficial for career growth and for attaining versatility in your portfolio. One of the drawbacks of only using CSS is that you can’t define variables, functions, or perform arithmetic operations. When a project grows or becomes more complex, using just CSS may become redundant and repetitive as codes will have to be written every time, which is time-consuming. CSS Preprocessing takes care of this limitation and any smart front end developer would definitely want this skill in his/her toolkit.


Another must-have skill for any front end developer is JavaScript (JS). Where HTML is a markup language and CSS enhances the web page, Javascript is a programming language that makes the website functional. HTML and CSS are used to make websites that look fairly simple but most websites today are expected to have enhanced interactive features such as audio, video, animations etc. In such cases, Javascript comes in handy.


While we have talked about CSS and Javascript, their frameworks can be considered an upskill from that. These frameworks are bundles of CSS or JS files that provide added functionality to a website. A good front end developer needs to gauge the pros and cons of the frameworks being considered for instance some frameworks help make searching content easier while some are good at displaying content more effectively. Whatever be the case, to excel at front end development, knowledge of these frameworks is a must.


This is an important time-saving skill and also helps a front end developer deliver a customised product. Throughout the project development, many unforeseen changes or errors might come along. Version control helps in fixing the errors or making the necessary changes without having to start over from scratch. Though it doesn’t need to be made explicitly clear this is a critically helpful skill to have for any front end developer.


A very important aspect of website development is to make sure that the end result is error-free, free of bugs and seamless experience for the user. Therefore, the ability to test and debug a website is another essential skill set any front end developer needs to have. There are various methodologies that can enable the front end developer to make sure that the website or product not only looks good but also functions smoothly.


By now, you must have understood that HTML, CSS and Javascript are the foundational skills required by all front end developers. The other skills that have been listed are basically required to make sure that the website or product you are building is efficient, error-free, interactive and easy to use. Web performance is a skillset that makes sure that the user experience is excellent. It is basically the loading time of your website. Naturally, if it is too slow, the users won’t be happy with the experience. As front end developers, you would be expected to have knowledge of how to use building and automation tools that enhance web performance.


Being a part of the JavaScript language, using React spawns lots of advantages. Products built with React are simple to scale, a single language used on the server/client/mobile side of things grants outstanding productivity, there are workflow patterns for convenient teamwork, UI code is readable and maintainable, and more. World-leading companies have used React and other JS technologies in some of the top market-defining products out there (Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook being the most vivid examples).

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